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Hey! Say! CONTEST was originally started by Kari (DaDevilBesideYou on YouTube) as a way to spread Hey! Say! JUMP love all around the world.
Due to the huge interest and positive feedback from that first contest there is now the ultimate compeition. Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW!
For fans to show what they would do and how much they would do for their favorite 10 idols.
Entries will be judged by Kari and specially chosen secret judges.
This was purely made in hopes that Hey! Say! JUMP will gain more popularity worldwide.
The contest begins on September 15, 2009 and ends on December 20, 2009
Prizes include: 2 Large Hey! Say! JUMP Posters, Hey! Say! JUMP Summer Concert Photobook, & 10 Official JE Pictures (One Of Each Hey! Say! JUMP member).

Hey!Say!TalentShow with text
[Graphic Credit: Noshiki]

Want to join?
Please Read!


Anyone from around the world can join.
(Regardless of age or gender)
-You may only make ONE entry.
-All Video Entries MUST have the picture above [The official Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW graphic] in the beginning of your video for a few seconds.
-All Non-Video Entries (Such as Fanfictions) MUST Say in the Summary ‘For Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW’.
-All Artwork Entries (on & offline) must have a recording or screencaps of you working on it in order to prove that it is your own creation!
-All Fanfictions MUST be completed before being sent in as an entry!
-All Entries MUST be a video response to Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW,
messaged to DaDevilBesideYou titled “Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW” with the link of the entry within the message, OR posted as a comment in the Entries Section of Kari’s Blog.
[Please only do ONE of the three!]
-You are NOT allowed to ask about the progress of judging!
Such as: “Have you seen my video yet?” or “Who are you considering?”
-Do NOT make fake accounts in order to increase your chance of winning as you will automatically be disqualified.
-Do NOT steal someone else’s work and claim it as your own!
-Do NOT ask for extensions!

–We expect you to follow all of these rules!–
–Breaking Any of these Rules will results in Elimination of Your Entry–


Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW is the Ultimate Competition to see what and how much fans are willing to do for their favorite 10 idols.


1) Make a Video of yourself doing ANY Talent & As Many Talents you want to show!
(Examples: Sports, Cooking, Acting, Dancing, Singing, Composing, Sewing, Drawing, Playing an Insturment, Fan Videos, Music Remixes, Making Your Own HSJ Merchandise, How Fast You Can Play Minesweeper, etc.)

Don’t think you have a talent?
You can also make a simple video of you saying how much you love Hey! Say! JUMP!
(Feel free to do anything that was done at the last contest as well!)

2) Make A Non-Video Entry (Such As A Fanfiction). For fanfictions the story MUST be JE (Johnny’s Entertainment) related! Any genre, any OCs (outside of JE), etc.

Hey! Say! CONTEST had minimized your choices due to the entries HAVING to be videos & focusing on Hey! Say! JUMP.

Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW allows you to show your talent regardless of if it focuses on Hey! Say! JUMP! or not.
(Example: If you sing or dance, you can sing and dance to ANY song.)
(Example #2: If your talent is basketball and you show that in your video, you’re good! No need to add anything Hey! Say! JUMP in your video unless you want to!).
Just because it may not focus on Hey! Say! JUMP doesn’t mean we can’t dedicate these to them! In this way, we expect to see many more entries than the first contest! Let’s show that Hey! Say! JUMP fans have talent and can show major support to the boys!



How many things can we do?
As many as you want! But can ONLY do ONE Video Entry or ONE Non-Video Entry!

How long can the video be?
10 minutes or less because YouTube can’t upload anything bigger than that.

How long can my fanfiction be?
As long as you want! But remember, when you send it in it must already be COMPLETED.

What if my Non-Video entry is an mp3?/ What if I can’t upload my video to YouTube?
Then please upload it to sharing site where we can download it from. (Ex: MediaFire, 4Shared, etc.)

How many people can participate in my entry?
As many as you want! Just be able you’ll all be able to divide the pirzes amongst yourselves!

My Entry does NOT have to focus on Hey! Say JUMP?
Nope! Sing, Dance, Act, etc. to any artist or drama! You already show pure support by spreading the word & showing how much you’re willing to do for the boys. (Especially since this is all to win their official merchandise).

When will we know who wins?
Kari plans on announcing who the winner is by posting about it on her blog. & Featuring the video the winner made

How will I know you saw my video?
You won’t. Please trust that we WILL watch every video submitted.
This is in order to make it fair and unknown to what order we saw the videos.

How will I know if I won?
We will message you immediately after we’ve reached a verdict.

Do I have to tell you my personal information?
That is not necessary. No need to even tell us your name. Although if you are the winner we will ask for your address and such so Kari can mail you the prizes.


Don’t want to join but support the cause?

Then please help us spread the news! Post it on your own blog, forum, profile, or any other account you may have! & Be sure to post the official Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW graphic [posted above] in your own post as well!
Please also credit that this was started by Kari (DaDevilBesideYou)
as she worked hard to come up with the idea of this contest.


25 Responses

  1. good luck everyone !
    i’m not sure if i’ll join yet hahaaa xD

  2. Cool!

    Small spelling error…
    [As long as you want! But remember, when you send it in it must alread be…]

  3. […] A couple of months ago I told you about Hey! Say! CONTEST which was originally started by Kari (DaDevilBesideYou on YouTube) as a way to spread Hey! Say! JUMP love all around the world. It was a great success, and now there is the ultimate competition for fans to show what they would do and how much they would do for their favorite 10 idols. For more information on how to take part and win HSJ merchandise check out Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW!. […]

  4. […] A couple of months ago I told you about Hey! Say! CONTEST which was originally started by Kari (DaDevilBesideYou on YouTube) as a way to spread Hey! Say! JUMP love all around the world. It was a great success, and now there is the ultimate competition for fans to show what they would do and how much they would do for their favorite 10 idols. For more information on how to take part and win HSJ merchandise check out Hey! Say! TALENT SHOW!. […]

  5. hurr. hii :D i wanna join with my friends but i unno if i can. DDD: can we fandub a hsj song?? or make a parody of their songs? just askin coz i need to knoe before the finals.. fail that and i lose my laptop = NO MOAR HSJ WRRRYYYYYNNN ;____;

  6. say for example, i have written the fic in my livejournal..how does it go?..i mean, where do i send my entry?..

    • As it says above^ just link the first chapter (or list of links to each chapters) either as a response to here or message me on YouTube =]

      • so if i’m making a fanfic, i’m supposed to write the summary first then add my link for the rest of the chapters or i’ll have a link for the summary too?

      • Well just make sure there’s a summary for us to read right before the first chapter XD;;
        && If linking all your chapters would be good if each chapter doesn’thave like a ‘next chapter’ link or something XD

        So basically, the summary should be typed for us & please link us the chapter(s) =]

  7. Anoo, If I want to join this contest by making a fanfic, can I make it with my friends? (5 people?)

  8. how many t-shirt and what t-shirt?We want to join. I Love your contest.ü♥~

  9. Hi Kari!
    Until day I have term of sending my video?
    Thanks You

  10. for the artwork category. just wanted to ask whether there is a size limitation? example – 1280X800 pixel

  11. Yay!! I submitted my entry yesterday on the entries section…
    Thanks for creating a contest like this XD…..

  12. I’m sorry…I shouldn’t ask that….

  13. I already post my video at the entries section, but please go to the right video. Thanks.

  14. When is the results coming out??

  15. hi nice to meet u

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